An honest, informative and nonjudgmental podcast for those of advanced maternal age navigating to and through motherhood!

Welcome to the New Mommy at 40 tribe!

I’m your host, Victoria Lauture Duncker and I’m excited to build this community with you! My life as an actor, flight attendant, host and inspirational speaker had me traveling all around the world.

After two (decade-long each) relationships ended, the hope of having a life-long, loving partner, having children and building a life together, didn't seem as attainable as I thought it would be.

Then came 40...I couldn't believe all the time that had passed! I also came into the understanding of my power, rebuilding my ability to trust again and put in the work to be comfortable in my skin.

That same year, I met my loving husband and a

fter experiencing a miscarriage (along with PCOS issues), our darling “rainbow” baby was born!

New Mommy at 40 Podcast was created shortly after losing my mother in 2021. A friend of hers, in an attempt to comfort me said, “I’m so glad your mother got a chance to meet your daughter before she passed; We wondered for years: What’s wrong with Victoria?”. Having just suffered another miscarriage in silence just 3 weeks before, I heard the calling to follow in the footsteps of the female storytellers in my family - to break my silence. I felt the need to create a space to laugh, cry, scream, share, heal and educate through those awkward moments we experience as older parents and support one another.

And here we are! I’m so happy you stopped by. Enjoy the podcast!



PHOTO CREDIT: Rebecca Oksana

About the podcast:

New Mommy at 40 is a podcast for those of advanced maternal age who maybe thinking about having children, who are beginning their parenting journey or are starting all over again. We simply have some additional concerns compared to our younger counterparts: fertility concerns, perhaps the fear of lack of time, a bit less energy, raising our young children while caring for aging parents, estate planning, our knees giving out as we get up from the mat while playing with our kid… HA!

I’m your host-a new mommy in my 40's to a baby girl . With your help, I’m creating a supportive space specifically for us to share, to be empowered and to have a few good laughs while at it. Each week, you can expect to hear from other parents, sharing their unique journeys with us. We’ll hear from experts in the fields of fertility, therapy, wellness and more!

You are invited to make this community of your own! Feel free to submit topics you’d like for us to discuss or your reaction to an episode; you can even be a future guest! Just email: Don’t forget to please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts!

So, grab your favorite drink, a cozy chair and sit with us every Monday. See you there!


Would you like to share your story with us? Be our guest host!

Looking for people of advanced maternal age to share of their journey to parenthood. Submit below!